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    Website Features

    At Group One, we work hard to provide simply better service.

    COMPANY USERS - Say goodbye to shared accounts

    Every person can have their own account, created by their company's administrator. If you want to manage your company's users, contact us!

    PRICING & STOCK AVAILABILITY - We're bringing you the latest information

    You will find prices and stock availability updating in real-time.
    We've also taken the time to add thorough product descriptions, a list of available accessories, specifications, cutsheets, and videos to ensure you find the best information on our website.

    OPEN ORDERS & INVOICE HISTORY - Check your records between us 24/7/365

    In Open Orders, you will find all open orders and quotes.
    In Invoice History, see all your past invoices and credit memos issued.

    MY PROJECTS - A new way to organize your projects

    With My Projects, you can create and save specific lists of product SKUs to stay organized. When you're ready, add it to another list or even your cart for checkout!